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Sheryl's BreastFest During Covid - 2021 - Kim Houghtaling

Kim Houghtaling is a 63 year old Lakelander who has worked for a local family-owned business for 20 years. Once diagnosed, she had a single mastectomy on February 5th of this year. Kim has Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. It had not spread, so they were hopeful that the surgery took care of the cancer.

In recent months due to Covid her hours were cut and overtime was taken away so she was already at a financial loss when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She had to drop her Marketplace health insurance so she was hoping to return to work and some normalcy on April 5th, however she then found out she has to do chemotherapy, too.

Not sure how she'll have reconstruction, she just focuses on each day and getting healthy again.

She has two adult children here in Lakeland and grandchildren which bring her joy. She says, "no hair? Don't care!" Staying positive is how she moves forward.

Kim is a cheery person and I know any amount of help would be a blessing and greatly appreciated.

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